September 30, 2019

Access to Care and Sharps Disposal in the Diabetic Community

Stericycle is proud to be the Safety Sponsor of the Greater Los Angeles Tour de Cure. 

Stericycle Cares: Protecting the Diabetes Community

Roughly 30.3 million people in America live with diabetes, and another 84.1 million have prediabetes, which can lead to a full diabetes diagnosis in as little as 5 years. That is nearly 10 percent of our population that must manage care for this disease. The majority of people with diabetes require between 1 and 4 shots of insulin per day, which begs the question: Where are these sharps disposed of and are people with diabetes getting full access to the resources they need to safely dispose of their used needles?

Stericycle conducted a survey to educate consumers on access to diabetic care, sharps management and disposal habits, and public risks associated with the disposal of sharps including syringes and needles. In our survey we polled 1,200 Americans with diabetes, age 18+, to identify trends and challenges they face. Download our infographic to see key findings from the survey.

Download our 2019 National Consumer Diabetes Survey on the right to see the full results.

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