Small Business Regulated Waste Disposal and Compliance Solutions

Stericycle provides small businesses and non-healthcare facilities with an array of solutions to manage regulated waste and compliance requirements while protecting stakeholders in the community. 

Stericycle is the trusted partner to tens of thousands of small businesses across the U.S.

Stericycle enables small businesses to maintain regulatory compliance by providing regulated waste management and compliance solutions that protect people and brands, promote health and well-being, and safeguard the environment.

Small businesses contribute to the community’s economic growth by providing high-quality services, while maintaining the safety and well-being of their employees and customers. These businesses generate regulated medical waste, such as sharps, from their day-to-day operations or through customer use. This waste must be safely and compliantly disposed to facilitate corporate social responsibility initiatives and protect stakeholders in the community.

For businesses who provide services that use sharps, such as tattoo parlors, day spas, cosmetic spas, and acupuncture clinics, multiple sharps disposal containers may be required to keep employees safe and your business compliant with OSHA regulations. Additionally, we recommend that any medical waste generated by customers in hotels, restaurants, retail stores, and office buildings, be safely disposed to promote a healthful environment.

We customize solutions for your needs, whether you offer tattoos and piercings, conduct acupuncture physical therapy, or want to provide a safer environment in your office building, restaurant, or retail store. 

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Recommended Waste Disposal Solutions for Small Businesses and Non-Healthcare Facilities 

Our solutions offer a variety of safe, secure, and compliant container options for the following types of waste generated in your facility. 

Biohazardous Medical Waste

Stericycle Biohazardous Medical Waste Solutions provide small businesses with the compliant collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of regulated waste generated from day-to-day procedures, such as tattooing and microblading.

We recommend all regulated medical waste or red bag waste, including any items saturated with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), such as bandages, gauze, or personal protected equipment (PPE), be disposed of safely in marked containers and stored for pickup. 

We also recommend any PPE not saturated with blood and OPIM, such as masks and gloves generated by customers and employees, be disposed of in a designated container.

Sharps Waste

Stericycle Sharps Solutions provide a range of containers and service options for the disposal of waste generated from tattooing, acupuncture, or microblading services, as well as through customer use (i.e. hotel guests self-administering medications). 

We recommend all sharps waste, such as tattoo needles, acupuncture needles, medication syringes, lancets, and blades, be disposed of in a designated sharps container to reduce needlestick injuries, prevent re-using and sharing of needles, and limit the amount of discarded needles found in the community. 

Streamline the collection and disposal of sharps waste with our disposable sharps containers that can be easily managed along with biohazardous or “red bag” waste for disposal.

Safely dispose sharps generated by public, as patients seek the privacy of restrooms to discretely and safely inject their medication used to treat chronic illnesses, such as diabetes. 

Easily collect and dispose of small quantities of sharps with our self-serve mail back kit that includes a pre-paid shipping box and return labels for your convenience.

Pharmaceutical Waste

We provide your patients (ultimate users) with mail back envelopes for disposal of unused consumer medications including pills and liquids.

Confidential Information and Documents

Our Shred-it® secure information destruction service provides safe and secure destruction of paperwork generated through serving customers that contains confidential information, such as name, address, or phone number. 

We recommend all confidential information be locked in secure consoles prior to being securely shredded with Shred-it.

Biohazardous Medical Waste

Stericycle Biohazardous Medical Waste Solutions provide small businesses with the compliant collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of regulated waste generated from day-to-day procedures, such as tattooing and microblading.

We recommend all regulated medical waste or red bag waste, including any items saturated with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), such as bandages, gauze, or personal protected equipment (PPE), be disposed of safely in marked containers and stored for pickup. 

We also recommend any PPE not saturated with blood and OPIM, such as masks and gloves generated by customers and employees, be disposed of in a designated container.

Sharps Waste

Stericycle Sharps Solutions provide a range of containers and service options for the disposal of waste generated from tattooing, acupuncture, or microblading services, as well as through customer use (i.e. hotel guests self-administering medications). 

We recommend all sharps waste, such as tattoo needles, acupuncture needles, medication syringes, lancets, and blades, be disposed of in a designated sharps container to reduce needlestick injuries, prevent re-using and sharing of needles, and limit the amount of discarded needles found in the community. 

Streamline the collection and disposal of sharps waste with our disposable sharps containers that can be easily managed along with biohazardous or “red bag” waste for disposal.

Safely dispose sharps generated by public, as patients seek the privacy of restrooms to discretely and safely inject their medication used to treat chronic illnesses, such as diabetes. 

Easily collect and dispose of small quantities of sharps with our self-serve mail back kit that includes a pre-paid shipping box and return labels for your convenience.

Pharmaceutical Waste

We provide your patients (ultimate users) with mail back envelopes for disposal of unused consumer medications including pills and liquids.

Confidential Information and Documents

Our Shred-it® secure information destruction service provides safe and secure destruction of paperwork generated through serving customers that contains confidential information, such as name, address, or phone number. 

We recommend all confidential information be locked in secure consoles prior to being securely shredded with Shred-it.

Recommended Compliance Solutions for Small Business and Non-Healthcare Facilities

Our regulatory experts have served small businesses across the U.S. and understand the importance of safety and medical waste compliance protocols.

Stericycle’s Steri-Safe® OSHA Compliance Solutions enable you to easily manage your OSHA compliance requirements in formats that suit your business’s needs. From online solutions to in-person step-by-step guidance, we will help small business owners and employees stay compliant.

On-Site OSHA Expertise

Our OSHA experts will visit on-site to train your staff and conduct a 150-point mock-OSHA facility evaluation to help you identify your risks of non-compliance and provide you with actionable recommendations. 

Centralized Online Training

Access online trainings for the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communication Standards. Our Online Training Center allows you to assign trainings to staff and track completion, so you can easily maintain compliance.

On-Demand Compliance Resources

Unlock a variety of OSHA compliance resources, including our database of over 10M Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and customizable OSHA Safety Plan Templates to remain compliant.  

Compliance Training Requirements for Small Businesses and Non-Healthcare Facilities

*Remember to consider state regulatory requirements as compliance requirements may vary.

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, DOT: Department of Transportation

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Why Stericycle?

When you choose Stericycle, you are selecting a partner with the resources to work with and stand by you when things are easy and when they are hard so you can focus on what matters most – providing a safe environment to your employees and customers, while preventing sharps waste from entering your community.  

Industry Leader

Industry leader with over 30 years of experience managing the collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of regulated waste.

Regulatory Experts

Customizable solutions with one partner managing regulated medical waste streams, HIPAA and OSHA compliance, and secure information destruction.

Customized Solutions

Reliable on-time service delivered by a nationwide network of treatment facilities, state-of-the-art fleet of trucks, proprietary real-time tracking systems, and qualified service operators.

One Partner

Dedicated team of on-site and off-site regulatory experts and online customer portal,, featuring a breadth of on-demand compliance trainings, tools, and resources.

Customer Service

Seamless customer experience delivered through easy onboarding, convenient online account management, and accessible client support.

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